One-sided view

How can something be just,
be treated fairly,
if the view is one-sided?

Anonymous writer

To be aware of oneself

By chance or not by chance

We all have consciousness within us.
Everyone is aware of his own being.
How high is the possibility by chance
to exist as a small atomic consciousness,
like a grain of sand in the universe,
to realize to be
that we call being and life?

Why does everyone feel the same
that he/she is, that he/she is alive?
Infinity speaks against finiteness,
Chance against non-chance.

We are because we are infinite,
wandering consciousness, spirit
in the sea of All-Consciousness.
Not by chance we are
because we have always been
in the one Great Consciousness
In which each one is conscious,
aware of himself/herself to be
in the same way,
connected with each consciousness
from the same source.

Unknown Author

Falling into mind traps

Those who fall for provocations,
get into the spiral
of hatred and violence
in the maelstrom of dark thoughts,
words and deeds,
lose control
are only slaves
to their minds.

Unknown author

Hatred and violence

Those who sow hatred and violence
Reap hatred and violence

Is that the solution
Or is there another solution?

Thousands of years have passed
And man has not yet overcome it

Unknown author