Equal Rights



A virus does not ask
Whether someone is young or old
Is rich or poor
Is male or female
What skin color one wears
Which religion one belongs to
What state one comes from

It treats everyone equally
Like the sun gives light to all of us
Breathing all the same air

Can we do that too…?

DidiArtist, 02.10.2020


8 comments on “Equal Rights

  1. Thank you, dear Chuck πŸ™‚
    Also here everthing is good too, as good as it can be under these strange circumstances.
    All the best, my friend πŸ™‚


  2. Thank you, dear Komal Ater πŸ™‚
    Every blowing wind helps to create some small holes in the clouds covering our mind to allow the sun to shine through…
    All the best, dear friend and thanks for your support πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I must say it’s a beautiful✨ thought indeed
    But easier said than applied
    But still we can try our level best
    Thank you for pricking us with such a thought once again!!

    Liked by 3 people

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