Dreaming together



World appears
My dream begins
Sailing on waves
Up and down

White sails – everywhere
In search for each other
Signalizing light codes:
Here I am

Sea gulls gliding
Through the air
Interchanging messages
Accompany the boats

Sunlight breaks
Through clouds
Touching foaming waves
In a ryhtmic dance

Eyes looking
For land to strand
Islands of dreams
To anchor peace

Awoken from this world
Dream of illusions
As separated boats
Floating through eternity

To see us sitting
All in One boat
Sailing through empty spaces
Timelessly connected

With One Captain on board
Bringing us ashore
Residence of bliss
Home in light

Name of this dream: – Life!
Name of this awoken dream: – ONENESS

DidiArtist, 07.12.2018


14 comments on “Dreaming together

  1. Thank you very much, dear Amira 🙂
    Yes, we can golden this world with our hearts – some day we all will understand that we are all brothers and sisters in Him, then we can take a bath in this Oneness, Unity of Man.
    Have a nice weekend my friend


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