


Follow us
At every turn
Like programmed
In our steps

So we follow them
Obey their “suggestions”
Hardly look beyond

Habits are made of steel
Good or bad ones
Not easy to change
Are platforms of the mind

Requires iron discipline
To open new ways
Ways of love and light
A step to our inner sight

DidiArtist, 18.03.2014


27 comments on “Habits

  1. Pingback: Habits — Didis Art Design – yazım'yazgısı (typography)

  2. My dear Jenna,

    I really hope that this specialist can do something for you and bring you back to a normal healthy condition. My thoughts and good wishes are with you, my dear friend.

    Hugs of love and light to you, dear Jenna 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you my dear friend. Little natural remedies are helping manage my symptoms. I have an a with a natural Specialist next Friday. I truly believe that will help me on the road to recovery.

    Love, hugs, and light Didi my dear, may bless you and your family as you continue to share your light and love my dear friend 😊🤗🤗🤗💖💞

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you so much, my dear Jenna 🙂

    Hope you are better now.

    Also for you big hugs, love and light and may God bless you and your family, m dear friend 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Beautiful artwork Didi my friend! So very true old habits are not easy to break, they much determination, self-awareness, and self-love to step into new growth. 💖😊

    Hello my dear friend, I hope all is well! Sending you lots of love, hugs, and blessings!🤗💞

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I am so pleased to hear that!! I will be looking out for it, but will be playing hooky from my blog from 9.8.2018 through 9.16.2018 so I will find it when I check back in!!
    Thank you for doing that for us all, Dear Didi

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I loved your response, Didi!! I feel exactly the same way! This is such a perfect comment that I am going to challenge you to use that line and maybe a little more in creating a new piece. An explanation of the joy and happiness of touching the heart of a friend and the world – Dare’s on, Didi! LOL! I’m looking forward to your post! Ha!!
    Thanks so much for all your support!
    All the best, Didi

    Liked by 4 people

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