33 comments on “When the time comes…

  1. Thanks a lot, my dear friend Kamal 🙂

    Now I am travelling to Chile/Peru for 6 weeks and may not have so much time to take care of my blog. When I am back I like to travel to India again and I will arrive in Delhi, possibly on 12th November.
    Hugs and love


  2. Affirmative sir. Inner richness can make difference. This can result only when we have belief on ourselves and our GOD.

    Thank you so very much for your invaluable comments suffusing with sagacity.



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  3. Welcome, dear Harbhans,

    Yes, there is the loaded attention of the God-power in it (when received by a competent Master) and it also serves as passwords to go beyond inner planes, is a constant remembrance of God, keeping negative influences away and is a general protection against all kinds of negativity.
    All the best, my friend 🙂

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  4. Thank you, dear friend Harbhans,

    When doing Simran then it is even possible to control the thoughts, means the root of the mind and you are right: we should think twice before we speak or do something checking it always if our words or deeds contain any kind of violence.
    Thank you my friend, stay safe and healthy 🙂

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  5. Thanks a lot for your sagacious and most relevant comment on our mind and its function. When in control, it works wonders. Important thing is to think before we speak and also be spiritually inclined and have total belief in ourselves and on our GOD.

    Thanks and regards

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  6. Thank you, dear Harbhans 🙂
    Your question is justified, unfortunately it is our mind that plays with us and often we are not conscious enough to become aware of the tricks it works against us (our true identity). Sometimes we are involded in a matter like an automatic process, we do not think about those things, we do not control even our deeds in strict discipline, let alone our thoughts… so it is utmost diffcult to reach the shore of eternity and evergreen bliss – alone not possible but with a conscious guide who has made this journey before us, who knows all traps and ways within, He surely can bring us to the realm of pure consciousness as in Him the God-power is working. We ourselves have to make the experiences as those great Teachers, competent Masters have made them before us. So we have to adopt their colour, their perfume of roses and jasmine – with their help it is possible to reach the other shore, the island of bliss where no time and space is, where no life and death is, where only all is ONE.

    Thank you for your important contribution, dear friend 🙂
    All the best and warm regards

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  7. I really take inspiration and strength from those who are humble to the core, waste no time in hankering after personal comforts and if they are disrespected, they do not feel any pain since they have acquired a balance which essentially is attained after getting everything either from others or from personal experiences besides such persons know that their sojourn here is temporary and the body which they are having will be left here only! Therefore, why to feel ego or feel pride in anything since while on birth he/she had not brought anything and shall not be taking anything while leaving this earth; except, of course, Karma.Warm regards.

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  8. Let us be thankful to Sant Kirpal Singh Ji because He has taught me what is the purpose of our life, how to differentiate, about what is what and how we can get to know ourselves (Man know thyself)- without Him I am nothing and with Him, I am nothing too but seen from another point of view.
    Thank you, dear friend and have a happy weekend 🙂

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  9. Really speaking, I have learned most of the good things from the wisdom suffusing personages like you. My word of gratitude to you sir for enriching my LIFE.

    With warm regards

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  10. When we got this human body we have promised to God that this time we are doing everything to return to our real Home, but then we forget it again and attach ourselves through wishes on the level of the mind. Again we fail… Thank you very much, dear Harbhans 🙂 Your words are in harmony with mine.
    All the best, dear friend 🙂

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  11. Affirmative sir, we are having the habit of procrastinating things till our last day near, which may or may not be known when and where, but then we repent what we did wrong and what we should have actually done. But alas, this realization comes late. Regards.

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  12. Yes, dear Dany and the competent Masters say: that a person who is blind, also he can see the inner light and hear the inner divine sound.
    Thank you and have a peaceful evening

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  13. Thanks, dear Dany – unfortunately this light is often covered by the mind – only we all covers are overcome then we have a transparent mind and then our light can shine and needs not to come back into this world – the the goal is reached. Thank you very much for your lovely words, dear Dany
    Have a nice evening

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