Visible and Invisible

When you are everything,
you are invisible
and visible in everything
at the same time,
as All and Nothing.
Beyond all this world
and the world beyond.

Anonymous writer


As long there is being
There it just is
As long there is non-being
There it just is

But is there not a being
That is beyond being and non-being?

The intellect knocks at this door
But it remains closed to it…

DidiArtist, 20.02.2022

Sigh of Eternity



Life is like a mirror
We look into the lives of others
To see ourselves therein
The pain, the separation,
The loneliness, the fear
Duality of you and me

Boundaries are drawn
Through Good and evil
Instruments of fighting arenas
Only love knows to be one
Two worlds that merge
As dancing universes

Look at others with compassion
To experience yourself
Comfort in hope
An awakening
To be in being
In the lap of the Father

To overcome you and I
All opposites
Merged in Oneness
Awoken from a dream
Rolling waves along
The Cosmic Ocean

DidiArtist, 02.12.2016