Struggle for ideals



Fight over emblems
Struggle over names
Over cultures, religions, systems
Everyone leases the right for himself
To know what is right
Follows the call of tradition
Behind staked borders

But aren’t borders limited?
Is this freedom, boundless freedom?

Let us all wear an emblem:
The emblem of man and love

One mankind
One planet
One religion
That rises above all religions
The religion of love
One God
As we are all His children
Without exceptions

Let us behave
As brothers and sisters in Him
And not like animals
Not like enemies

Consciousness grows in the heart
Not in the mind…

DidiArtist, 07.05.2021


Meeting inside


The body separates us
From each other
We see, feel, hear, taste and think
Through these clashing walls
Borders of the spirit
Touch locked-in prisions

Inside we open the doors
Gates of united unities
Are one in all
All in One
Free of matter
Being in being

The key lies
In our heart
Language of love
Sunshine, beams
Living light

Drop in the Ocean
Ocean in the drop…

DidiArtist, 12.06.2018