5 comments on “Quote: Mind loses identy – by Kabir

  1. Absolutely trues sir.

    First of all we have to be self aware before and then we can understand our Creator.

    The example of SOUL and SUPER SOUL is really totally correct.



  2. Thank you very much, dear Harbans 🙂
    Self-realisation precedes God-realisation – what does it mean? – The competent Masters say in one opinion: “Man know thyself” – so first we have to understand what we are, where we come from, where we have to go, our purpose of life – when we see that we are soul and soul is part of the Super soul (drop and Ocean), that we are conscious entities within a Super consciousness – then we rise our own Self and understanding to the Over-Self in us – in doing so we become aware that this Overself, Super soul, Ocean, Super Consciousness – is God and where can we find it? – within…
    Thank you my friend for your presence and positive contributions 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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