Greed for money


For many people
Money is more important
Than humanity
They lose themselves
In accusations and prejudices
If their wishes are blocked
They quickly try to find a victim

If only they would look in the mirror…

DidiArtis, 22.11.2015


22 comments on “Greed for money

  1. Pingback: Greed for money — Didi’s Art Design: – girosblog

  2. Well stated, Didi and beautifully written. The mirror will reveal the outward reflection. God mirrors the inner man, the heart and intent. 💜😊🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you, dear friend 🙂
    The deeper reason behind it after being money is that people are able to fulfill their wishes, but once a wish is fulfilled – the next wish is already waiting – it is a spiral without an end and is the reason to bind man to attachments, thus man creates his own prison without knowing…

    All the best, dear friend

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Greed for money — Didis Art Design – Forty Something Life As We Know It

  5. Thanks, dear Mathias 🙂

    Right, and the root we find in our egoism according to the economic minimum-maximum principle – the result of it can also be seen regarding our climate change… now we need a major change in the heads and hearts of the people. As Gandhi has put it: “Be the change if you want to see a change in the world…” a turning point to understand that ego and greed are not useful for mankind, but service to man with new and strong ethical values to be established within our societies.

    Have a great time, dear friend

    Liked by 1 person

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