A song of peace

Peace should be
To be free
From fear and scree
The world in harmony
Let us see how it would be
To be free, to be free
A song of harmony
Where love is the key
For us, for you and me
No more hate to see
We want to be free
In harmony
For love is the key
For you and me

Unknown composer

Glorification of violence

From an early age
the child is taught violence and hatred,
the battle between good and evil.

Children play at being the good guys
and let off steam in violent games.
Enemy images are instilled,
reality is swapped for virtuality,
until virtuality becomes reality.

People create their own war games,
searching for opponents, enemies
to measure themselves against them,
to reap imaginary rewards.

Films, full of violence and hatefulness
are inculcated into minds and hearts
to make people blind,
clouding their minds.

Humanity needs new ideals,
where love and respect reign,
respect for life,
Providing help instead of promoting violence.

Oneness in the One
Is the answer,
for peace on earth
as the unity of man.

One mankind,
One planet,
One Love.

Unknown poet

Anger and rage

Anger and rage
make us blind and deaf,
poison our thoughts.

Thieves who steal from us
Contentment, equanimity.

Unknown poet

World upside down

Insatiable wishes

The greed of humans is
like a poisonous sting against themselves.
Our whole society suffers from it.
Separates people
between rich and poor,
between favour and envy
in the struggle for selfish desires
as a substitute for permanent happiness.

How much can we take with us to your grave?

Unknown writer