Born out of arrogance

“The tyrant is born of arrogance,
who intoxicates himself
with his morbid recklessness and vanity,
until he falls from his high horse
and falls headlong into the dust of hope.”


Fight for names and ideals

We hide behind names
but we do not know
that the totality of all things
has no name, no fragment,
is just One

Fragment fights against fragment
in the foolhardiness and arrogance
to fight in the name of the whole.

Separation is the cause,
why we see so much suffering in the world.

Oneness and unity are the remedy…

Unknown writer

Fights in the world



Everywhere we see fights
Brother against brother
Sister against siser
Family fights

Everywhere we see fights
People mark their rights
Fight for interests, religions
In thoughts, talks and actions

Parties are against parties
Political oponents, smarties
Groups against groups
Countries against countries

Cultures compare, measure, judge
Who is better who is worse
Attitude of arrogance, anti-humilation
Pride in fights

Where to find this evil behaviour?
In us, in each of us…
But mankind is one
Not yet done

Our fight should not be against others
Not against sisters and brothers
Each of us should fight
Own ego, mind – becoming love and light

DidiArtist, 27.09.2019


Praise and Pride

Just because we are excellent in one field
This does not mean we are familiar with all disciplines
However, we often act as if we would be
Thus we deceive ourselves and our fellow human beings.

In this way, we are carried away
In a torrent of arrogance

Are open to praises
Equally averse to criticism

Addicted to being acknowledged…

DidiArtist, 18.05.2022

Humble science

Science researches and has questions
That confirms that it does not know everything
Nevertheless it pretends
As if it had an answer to everything

A little more reverence is needed
For the millions and millions of treasures
Which life still keeps hidden

Especially there where it is not expected…

DidiArtist, 16.08.2021