Possessed by Possession

Thousands of people sit
On their money and possessions
They do not know
That their possessions possess them

They are slaves to their greed
Sharing only with a few
Giving alms
To ease their conscience
To deceive themselves

They are the rich ones
Those who feed on the poor
Who suck the blood from them
Who know no shame

Their souls are bound by it
Their hearts have lost sight…

DidiArtist, 16.08.2021

Everything belongs to God



When we belong to God
Then all things belong to Him
Which “belong” to us

Even our body, mind and soul
Belongs to Him
Is part of His creation

As He is One
And nothing exists
Without Him

So we are just administrators
Of everything He has given us:
Lent life

So we are and are not
At the same time
Depending on our point of view…

Should not we then
Become more humble?
Instead of saying: “I” and “mine”?…

DidiArtist, 15.05.2017


Love is like a bird…



Love cannot be caught
For it flies from heart to heart
However, if holding it tight
Then it is not love
Then it is ego

Love is a free spirit
A divine Bird, a Hansa
Building its nests
Into to the hearts of men
Leaving a scent of roses and jasmine

DidiArtist, 07.04.2019




We control and handle our possession
Or are we possessed by our possession?

We control and protect our money
Or are we controlled by our money?

We have control over power
Or are we controlled by our power?

Is there anyone who has control over his mind?
– As mind is in control over us…

DidiArtist, 12.06.2018