Possessed by Possession

Thousands of people sit
On their money and possessions
They do not know
That their possessions possess them

They are slaves to their greed
Sharing only with a few
Giving alms
To ease their conscience
To deceive themselves

They are the rich ones
Those who feed on the poor
Who suck the blood from them
Who know no shame

Their souls are bound by it
Their hearts have lost sight…

DidiArtist, 16.08.2021

17 comments on “Possessed by Possession

  1. Thank you, my dear Kamal 🙂
    Ego, attachment, anger, lust and greed belong to the five thieves in us – first we have wishes and then they become attachments with karmic reactions – so we should live a life without binding us to things.
    All the best, my friend 🙂
    Hugs and love


  2. and in reality we possess nothing, not even ourselves, not even our breath and body – all is a gift from Him – we only adminster this gift…
    Thank you my friend 🙂
    Hugs and love

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