A Happy New Year to everyone!

My dear friends all over the world,

Again one year has passed and we can ask us where we stand.
Could we make progress on our inner path, the path of spirituality or are we still equipped with old worn out pathes and habits (bad habits) – then it is time to change.

Each of us has to see where he or she stands – honestly we have to ask ourselves where to make improvements. If we take our path seriously we surely will make progress. There are things we have to give up, and things we have to give space into our daily life, positive things. As Gandhi has put it: “Be the change if you wish to see a change in the world…” No-one can take away our own responsibility, each of us has to bear this responsibility himself/herself and be aware of: caring and sharing, helping and supporting, in service to man – there are our real human roots…

May we all enter the path of harmony and love among us.

Be strongly embraced with good wishes for 2022
Yours friend Didi

Some words given by my Master Sant Kirpal Singh Ji:

Peace and love to the whole world

Dear brothers and sister all over the world,

May there be peace and understanding between peoples and people

All my good wishes for all of you. Let’s make this year, a better year…

Yours brother