Unity of Man

Love, unity, brotherhood
Respect, tolerance, understanding
Non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds
Oneness among brothers and sisters
Serving, helping each other
Supporting those in need
Sharing and caring
Living in harmony and peace

This all will help us
To jump over the shadows or our own ego…

DidiArtist, 22.08.2021

Ocean and Drop at the same time

We are waves from one Source
That transcends time and space
Waves of an Ocean
Without words and intellect
Beyond death and life
An eternity of the transcending drop in the Ocean
Ocean and Drop at the same time…

DidiArtist, 09.01.2022

Cain slew his brother Abel

Scientifically it has been proven
That everything is connected
Like the Drop with the Ocean
We are all one big family
It is politics
Which has not yet been understood
Caused by misunderstanding and ignorance

Man runs with his head against the wall
When he realises what he has done to his family
Because when hurting other family members
He only hurts himself
And the wave of the ocean of life
Strikes back

DidiArtist, 25.02.2022

More heart towards each other

We all need more heart towards each other
What is unimportant:
Which religion, culture and skin colour
Which country and faith we belong to
First of all: We are a human being
However, we do not behave as Human Beings yet

We must understand
That we are all one
Like the drop in the ocean

If we overcome our narrow-mindedness
Then understanding and insight will come
Then in man will unfold:
The religion of love

Because we are all one in the One….

DidiArtist, 22.08.2021