We belong together

We belong together

Love connects
On a large and small scale
Is not devided
Is unlimited
Is testimony
Stands for interconnection
Of all living beings
Is the substance
That holds everything together

When we love the One
Then we love every-One

DidiArtist, 03.04.2021


Relativity in Oneness



The truth has
A thousand eyes
On the Outside
And one real One Inside…

The eye of the soul…

DidiArtist, 18.08.2020


Time of caring and compassion



Suffering needs help, understanding, empathy

Who still passes by quietly, untouched?
Who still shows carelessness, indifference?
Who still is hiding behind excuses?
Who still thinks just of him/herself now?

People are divided in opinions
Thoughtlessly and thoughtfully
Some are caring, others easygoing
Some are warm-hearted, some cold-hearted

Pandemic needs masks, protection
People who understand human service
Not only to protect themselves,
But first of all to protect others

Suffering needs help, understanding, compassion

DidiArtist, 05.10.2020


Spirit and Matter

power and control

What controls the body?
The body controls the body?
The car controls the car?
Or does the spirit
Inside the body controls the body?
The driver controls the car?

When we are spirit
Then we are not body
Body is not life
Because when life withdraws
From the body
Then it is dead, rudderless

Spirit is life
Mind: A mixture
Of spirit and body
Embodied spirit
Illusion, Maya
Punched wine

Sunbeam wants to return
To the sun
Spirit to spirit
Dust to dust…

DidiArtist, 02.11.2020