Our purpose of life?

Is our purpose of life:
To wage wars and be celebrated as a great general?
Amassing wealth and possessions to buy happiness?
To gain recognition from many fellow human beings?
To brag with pride about all the great things we have done?
To seek refuge in food and drink?
To fulfil all our wishes?
Stomping on people to achieve our goals?
To move from one pleasure to another?

Or are these all just outward appearances,
illusions that disguise our inner selves,
the true meaning of life?

When we leave, we can’t take anything with us
and all our wishes burst like soap bubbles.

So what about our meaning of life…?

There is a way.
The true Saints have walked it…

Unknown Author

Hidden Light

Every person is unique,
carries within the seed of light,
hidden in the heart,
although the mind conceals this light,
Covers it on own stages.

Through kindness, love, cordiality
it awakens, comes to shine,
sends its light from heart to heart,
a sunshine of inner happiness,
Rising from the dark.

Through bad thoughts, words, and deeds
it remains hidden, holds back,
has no growth, is without happiness,
trapped in the mind, without blossoms,
lost in the night.

Unknown writer

Light of Love



Like a polished diamond
Shines the love
Glowing in the heart
Like the sun
Makes tears flow
The water of the soul
From the eye windows
To move emotions
Luminous flux from the innermost
Outbreak of life fragments
Invisibly grasps your hand
The light of love
Pouring it into your heart
The shining diamond
Of the two hearts
Connected by light

DidiArtist, 21.04.2020