Hidden Light

Every person is unique,
carries within the seed of light,
hidden in the heart,
although the mind conceals this light,
Covers it on own stages.

Through kindness, love, cordiality
it awakens, comes to shine,
sends its light from heart to heart,
a sunshine of inner happiness,
Rising from the dark.

Through bad thoughts, words, and deeds
it remains hidden, holds back,
has no growth, is without happiness,
trapped in the mind, without blossoms,
lost in the night.

Unknown writer

Courage overcomes fear

Fear holds us captive.
Courage overcomes it.

The world needs courageous people,
Kind-hearted people

Unknown poet

Religion of Love

It includes all religions
Is one for all
Enlightens man
His/her heart
Is the Ocean of Oneness
Rises above violence and hatred
Gives warmth and kindness
Is merciful, loving
Shares with others
Is a living ray of sunshine
Source of light
Sacrifices oneself for the good of others

True life

Is one with the One

Unknown writer


Today, humanity is measured more
By title, rank, reputation, money
Less by heart, honesty, kindness


Let us REMEMBER it
Anchor it in our hearts…

Let us live, practise humanity
To justify being a human being…

Anonymous author

To be in a huff

For being in a huff
It requires at least two persons
Who are responsible
For their saying and doing

The one who offends
Cannot hide behind the words
“You are in a huff”
For he is the cause
To be offended

These words are like:
Oil in the fire

Our words should always be
Smooth and friendly…

Friendly words will usually be answered with kindness
Unfriendly words usually with unfriendly words

It is nothing
But a competition of the mind…

DidiArtist, 03.05.2022