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There is one religion
It grows within
The religion of love

Is beauty of a flower
Spreading its perfume
From man to man

This love connects
Creates unity
Beyond boundaries

Unites planets and univerves
Is essence of life
Lives in the hearts of every man

Religion of love
On the level of man…

DidiArtist, 22.09.2018


SANT KIRPAL SINGH — The Competent Master in the Golden Age

Dear friends,

Some more information about the competent Master in the Golden Age.

Thanks for your attention and stopping by.



Selfishness versus happiness

No one is really happy
There are only flashing moments

Ego knows no permanent happiness
For we all carry ego within us

Why is no one truly happy?
Because we are not ready
To give up our bad habits…

Because we are not ready
To sacrifice our ego

To live in God
To live and die for Him

Living and dying for other people
Living a life of service to man….

Without ego, compromises…

DidiArtist, 27.08.2021