Prayer: Light in the darkness

Let us have good wishes for those
who stain the world with dirt,
who threaten it and use it for their own ends:
good thoughts, strength, courage, and honesty
allowing their dark weaknesses to fade away,
to join the community of the world with love,
for giving them a veneer of harmonious togetherness.

May God help them and change their hearts.

Unknown writer

Quote: “Love beautifies” – by Sant Kirpal Singh


Love beautifies everything
and if we learn to love everyone,
all our imperfections can be washed away,
especially by loving kind words.



Sant Kirpal Singh (Book excerpt from: Spiritual Elexir)


Thanks to humanity


Worldwide: A big thank you!

I would like to express my gratitude to all those people who, in these difficult times, are doing their utmost to save lives, to provide food and medicine, to all those who, in one way or another, make their contribution to humanity. In particular, I would like to thank all doctors, nurses, and carers, carers of those who are sick and needy, all emergency services! – You are doing a truly great job! The whole world is looking at you, you are the true heroes of this pandemic.

My heart beats for you, my respect is with you! Thank you for your presence!

You are also the hope of the world thereafter: For you show with your courage, your humanity, that the differences from person to person can be overcome, only through your self-sacrificing help. If we all orient ourselves towards such help, then it is possible to build a new world that is no longer oriented towards ego and selfishness, but that provides for the service of man, unconditionally, selflessly. Then we can finally understand that we are all in the same boat…

Thank you so much!

Be all warmly embraced

Vision: A World of Peace



A world without weapons
Nonviolent thoughts
Brotherhood everywhere

A world without fear
Free life for all people
Without corruption

A world of sharing and caring
Without better and worse
Without comparison and condemnation

A world of respect
With dignity and honour
Without discrimination

A world of hearts
Among brothers and sisters
Without shadows

A world of togetherness
Living in the Garden of Eden
Without ego and selfishness

A world of unity
Of compassion and togetherness
Of One humanity

DidiArtist, 10.06.2021