Cowardice and insidiousness

To invade peaceful countries with superior force
Waging a brutal war based on lies
To turn weapons against children and women
To traumatise and kill children, women and ordinary people.
To make millions of people homeless
To insult innocent people as neo-Nazis
Only to disguise the lust for war, power and murder
To set in motion and maintain the war machinery
To incite and encourage one’s own people to war
To sow hatred, enmity and the will to kill
By calling the invaded country the aggressor
As so-called security measures for their own country
To justify reasons for their outrages
How many of their people fall victim to these lies?
They are victims of a large-scale fake propaganda
Without really knowing the truth
Ignorantly supporting this brutal government

The aggressor is not the invaded country
It is the warring country, its leadership
That is the aggressor itself

It is a dark time for humanity
That has his second Hitler

None of this has anything to do with humanity
But with cruelty like in the deepest Middle Ages

DidiArtist, 02.03.2022

Attitude of defence and attack

For some, their defensiveness goes so far
That they can no longer accept anything else
Only hear their own voice

Some take on such an attitude of attack
That they overrule the voices of others
They are empty in their willingness to accept…

DidiArtist, 03.03.2022

Discover own mistakes for the benefit of others

Why is it that we have so many faults in us
That we are not even aware of them?
That we do not even know them?
And even when we know them, we carry on as before
Without questioning ourselves
Without starting to eliminate them

This is why we see the evil in the world
As long as our mind can do what it likes
Without making serious efforts to unravel these faults
To make ourselves conscious of them
To learn from them, overcome them

A state full of these unconscious people
Who do not know themselves
Out of it, these errors become visible
This is what we see in the world….

Sant Kirpal Singh:
“Reformers are needed, not of others but of themselves…”

DidiArtist, 04.03.2022

Unity of Man

Love, unity, brotherhood
Respect, tolerance, understanding
Non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds
Oneness among brothers and sisters
Serving, helping each other
Supporting those in need
Sharing and caring
Living in harmony and peace

This all will help us
To jump over the shadows or our own ego…

DidiArtist, 22.08.2021